animal disease

A variant of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) – one that is not an immediate threat to humans – is on the move in the United States in both wild
Continue Reading Alert to Poultry Flock Owners: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza on the Move in the US

As previously described, NJ bill A1219 would require veterinarians or health officials to notify known pet owners prior to rabies testing of the deceased pet, which currently involves decapitation
Continue Reading NJ Rabies Notification Requirements Properly Amended by Governor’s Veto

As reported in the Washington Post on June 19, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has launched a “multistate investigation after imported rescue dog tests positive for
Continue Reading The continued threat of canine rabies imported into the U.S. through unregulated rescue channels

CDC announced that it will prohibit the entry of dogs into the United States from the countries listed below beginning on July 14, 2021 unless CDC provides advance written approval
Continue Reading CDC prohibits entry of dogs into the United States from 113 high-risk rabies-endemic countries/states