The Center for Biological Diversity and the Natural Resources Defense Council submitted a petition for rule-making to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the
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U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
CDC prohibits entry of dogs into the United States from 113 high-risk rabies-endemic countries/states
CDC announced that it will prohibit the entry of dogs into the United States from the countries listed below beginning on July 14, 2021 unless CDC provides advance written approval…
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Part 2: What can employers in the agricultural industry do to protect their employees from COVID-19 and prevent strikes?
In Part 1 of this blog, we discussed the new interim guidance for meat processing plants. To combat concerns of a devastating reduction in our food supply chain, President Trump…
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Update from USDA on the deactivation of its Animal Care Search Tool
After a whirlwind of comments and criticisms, USDA has updated its statement regarding the abrupt deactivation of its Animal Care Search Tool, available here
Similar to statements published…
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Public Health Risk From Importation Of Rabies-Infected Dogs By Animal Rescue Groups
In late December the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published an article in MMWR titled “Rabies in a Dog Imported from Egypt with a Falsified Rabies Vaccination Certificate —…
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Republished from MMWR-Rabies in a Dog Imported from Egypt with a Falsified Rabies Vaccination Certificate — Virginia, 2015
December 18, 2015 / 64(49);1359-62
Julie R. Sinclair, DVM1; Ryan M. Wallace, DVM2; Karen Gruszynski, DVM3; Marilyn Bibbs Freeman, PhD4; Colin Campbell, DVM5; Shereen Semple, MS5; Kristin Innes, MPH5; Sally…
Continue Reading Republished from MMWR-Rabies in a Dog Imported from Egypt with a Falsified Rabies Vaccination Certificate — Virginia, 2015
Petco’s Partial Motion to Dismiss Prevails
In a lawsuit filed in the District of Maryland by a family purportedly exposed to an infectious disease (Streptobacillus moniliformis a.k.a. rat bite fever) from rats purchased from a…
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