The “PUPPERS” Act, H.R. 3197, a bill that would prohibit the use of canines in biomedical research at the Veterans Administration by eliminating required funding, is misguided and, if enacted,
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FDA Warns Against Products Claiming to Cure Cancer
The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) regulates cancer drugs and devices, both for use by humans and pets. Such drugs and devices must obtain FDA approval or clearance before…
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Thoughts about the NY Times “The Ethicist’s” Response to the Question: “Is it O.K. to Get a Dog From A Breeder, Not A Shelter?”
On May 15, 2016 the New York Times published its response to a reader’s questions submitted to “The Ethicist:”
“Is it O.K. to Get a Dog From A Breeder, …
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Tennessee introduces the “Commercial Dog Breeders Registration Act”
Tennessee House Bill 2303, introduced on January 21, 2016 would enact the “Commercial Dog Breeders Registration Act” that would make the following consumer protection violations:
- selling of dogs by
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AKC Alert for New Jersey-Reposted with permission
This alert may also be viewed at
Wednesday, February 03, 2016
On Monday, February 8, 2016, the New Jersey Senate Economic Growth Committee will consider Senate Bill 63…
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Dogs in Restaurants-What Are The Risks?
Despite a new amendment to the public health laws in New York State that permit dogs to accompany their owners at outdoor bars and restaurants as of October 26, 2015,…
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Dogs Remain Man’s Best Friend
In a recent case in Manatee County, Florida, a dog named Padi, owned by veterinarian, Dr. Paul Gartenberg, was given a second chance at life by Judge Andrew Owens, Circuit…
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More on the importance of biomedical research-to benefit dogs and people
In this interesting article David Grimm describes the changing public opinion about biomedical research that involves animals, observing:
as Americans have embraced pets as virtual children . . .they’ve soured
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Retail Rescue on the Rise
Another report has surfaced about the largely unregulated, but highly profitable retail rescue industry importing puppies from the South, where irresponsible dog breeding is rampant, to eager pet owners in…
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Big Business: More Dog Trafficking in the News
Guest Blog-NAIA Official Blog
Initially published 12 Oct 2015 10:54 AM PDT; Republished with permission
Humane relocation, dog trafficking, the “Puppy Pipeline” — whatever you call it, the practice is…
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