Rocky’s Law, S3551 and its companion A5040, would require the mandatory registration of animal rescue organizations, as opposed to the current laws providing for voluntary registration. They would also
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pet adoption
Some dogs may be unsuitable for adoption
While rescue and adoption have largely replaced traditional pet sales, these marketing channels have increasing risks, especially since the “no-kill shelter” movement is being promoted by many.
In addition to…
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Attempts in New Jersey Bill S2848 to improve dog and cat regulations fall short.
New Jersey Bill S2848 does far more than described in the official bill statement which states that the bill requires:
1) all cats and dogs brought into the State from
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The Good and the Bad about NJ Bill S2847
New Jersey Senate Bill No. 2847, introduced on December 12, 2016 would make some important beneficial changes to the laws governing animal rescue organizations and shelters in New Jersey,…
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Pet stores under attack-sourcing bans violate the Supremacy Clause
The interstate pet market has been targeted for decades by NGO’s intent on eliminating purposely-bred pets and replacing them with randomly-sourced and irresponsibly-bred pets sold through rescue and shelter channels.
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Pet Stores Under Attack-Continued: Shelters, Rescues and Pet Stores sell the same product – dogs and cats.
Shelters, Rescues, and pet stores all provide pets for consumers. The transfer of ownership is the same, whether described as an “adoption” or “sale.” Both the federal and state governments…
Pet Stores Under Attack-Continued: The New York City Pet Store Law Violates the Commerce Clause
At its core, the Law is an attempt at economic protectionism of the City’s favored source of pets, animal shelters and rescues, who are expressly exempted from the Laws’ sourcing…
Pet Stores Under Attack
We are proud to represent the New York Pet Welfare Association, whose members include purposely-bred dog owners, breeders, wholesalers, pet stores and veterinarians from across the country. This association, like…
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New Jersey bill (S63) to repeal Pet Purchase Protection Act (PPPA) to be heard Thursday, June 23, 2016
S63, previously discussed, will be heard this Thursday (June 23, 2016) by the NJ Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee at 10:00 AM in Committee Room 4, 1st Floor,…
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American Kennel Club and the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council’s Opposition to S-63 to be heard in NJ Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee on June 6, 2016
The AKC has requested that the Honorable Paul A. Sarlo, Chair of New Jersey’s Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee, and the rest of the members of that committee, take no…
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