A variant of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) – one that is not an immediate threat to humans – is on the move in the United States in both wild
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Equine Herpesvirus Myeloencephalopathy (EHM)—a devastating, infectious neurological disease affecting horses—continues to threaten equine health.
Equine herpes virus-1, a sometimes deadly virus that can cause myeloencephalopathy in some infected horses (Equine Herpesvirus Myeloencephalopathy or EHM), has surfaced at one horse farm in Union County, NJ,…
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Who Should Pay for Animal Quarantine?
The cost of quarantining an animal can be high. A recent extraordinary example is the reported $27,000 price tag for the quarantine of Bentley, the King Charles spaniel owned by…
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Lessons Learned from Animal Quarantines – Understanding Ebola Quarantines
People concerned about the ebola quarantines of health workers returning from Africa might be interested in how quarantines issued during animal disease outbreaks have helped save lives.
In 2006, while…
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Bentley, Exposed to Ebola From His Owner, Has Been Quarantined
Bentley, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel owned Nina Pham, the nurse infected with the Ebola virus after caring for the recently deceased Thomas Eric Duncan, has been quarantined but there…
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