California recently updated it’s website providing answers to “Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship (VCPR)” pursuant to California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 16, Sections 2032.1, 2032.15, and 2032.25.
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Veterinary Medicine
FDA issues guidance #263 recommending that animal-approved over-the-counter medially important antimicrobial drugs are required to be overseen by veterinarians before sale and use.
FDA has continued to exercise its authority, via guidance documents, which FDA says, while not legally enforceable, represent the agencies current thinking on the topic. To further the judicious use…
Continue Reading FDA issues guidance #263 recommending that animal-approved over-the-counter medially important antimicrobial drugs are required to be overseen by veterinarians before sale and use.
Rabies testing notification could be required in New Jersey
A bill in New Jersey that would have interfered with rabies testing of domestic companion animals has been amended to remove the potentially dangerous and unneeded obstacles to timely testing.
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New Jersey Senate Bill No. 3402 would prohibit veterinarians from euthanasia of animals suffering fatal disease or injuries for seven days.
A clearly misguided bill, S3402, was recently introduced in the New Jersey Senate that would prohibit veterinarians from euthanasia of animals suffering fatal disease or injuries for seven days…
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Updated COVID-19 Health and Safety Requirements for Veterinarians in New Jersey
On November 2, 2020, the Acting Director of the Division of Consumer Affairs in New Jersey issued DCA Administrative Order No. 2020-20, ordering,
Veterinarians are authorized to provide the
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California Proposes Regulations Governing Compounding in a Veterinary Premises
The California Veterinary Medical Board has proposed amending the California Code of Regulations to clarify the process for veterinarians to compound drugs in a veterinary office for the treatment of…
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New Rule Published Governing Practice of Veterinary Medicine in New Jersey
Administrative Order and Notice of Rule Adoption Pursuant To P.L. 2020, C. 18, dated June 18, 2020, was just sent to all veterinary licensees from the Acting Director…
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Updated: Coronavirus Response Plans for Veterinary Practices
As predicted, COVID-19 is spreading throughout the United States and globally. State and Federal governmental agencies have implemented emergency response plans for highly contagious diseases, and businesses of all kinds…
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Update to FDA’s Guidance #256 on Compounded Animal Drugs
Since we first published “FDA Continues Proposed Extra-Statutory Authority Over Compounded Animal Drugs,” a number of impacted stakeholders have been expressing concern about the intended and unintentional consequences…
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FDA Continues Proposed Extra-Statutory Authority Over Compounded Animal Drugs
Without clear statutory authority, FDA has proposed to expand its legal authority over veterinarians and veterinary compounding pharmacies in its newly released “Revised Draft Guidance on Compounding Animal Drugs from…
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